5 Ways to Protect Your Home When You Are Away on a Vacation

5 Ways to Protect Your Home When You Are Away on a Vacation

Just picture this – you have reached the airport, the final call for boarding has been announced, and that very moment you remember that you didn’t lock the back kitchen door before leaving. We understand that spine-chilling feeling; most of us have been on the same spot at some point in our lives. And that is why we offer some tips that will help you protect your home while you’re away, letting you enjoy a worry-free vacation.

1.     Think Twice Before You Share Your Vacation Pics on The Social Media

First thing first – control your impulse to discuss your vacation on social media. It’s natural for you to feel excited about your upcoming trip and share your feelings with your virtual friends. You may also want to upload your precious holiday moments on your Instagram or Facebook. The problem is your posts can make you an easy target. For that matter, avoid using the check-in feature. It can be equally risky as it sends the message loud and clear that your home is empty.

2.     Install A Security System

Placing a few wireless security cameras in the strategic points of your home is a great idea. True that they cannot protect your home against burglary attempts, but they can keep you informed of what is going on back home in your absence. You can call 911 the moment you spot something fishy through the camera app installed on your phone.

3.     Seal Each and Every Entry Point to Protect Your Home from Intruders

Miscreants do not take much time to identify the security loopholes. Also, never assume they will not choose the front door or windows to enter your home just because you live in a noisy, close-knit neighborhood. So, invest in the most sophisticated locking system and lock away all the entry points of your home securely. When all the entry points are locked securely, burglars will be discouraged from making a break-in attempt in the first place. Even if they do, a good quality locking device can make their job difficult.

4.     Hide Your Valuable Stuff

And that includes the things that you are emotionally attached to. Put all those things in a locker, even better in a hidden safe. If you don’t have one, go the Irene Adler way and keep it in a place, which everyone can see but no one other than you can guess it to be your secret hiding.

Ask a Neighbor to Keep a Tab on Your Home

There must be somebody who you can trust with your house keys. Even if that person can’t come and spend every night at your place, you can always request them to come and check from time to time. That way, you can know if something is amiss at the earliest and take actions then and there to minimize the damage.

We know how important it is for you to protect your home. Although it never harms to take some extra measures to secure your home, still, the lock and the key are the best-proven old-fashion ways to ensure your house safety. Contact King Locksmith today and get the most reliable solutions for all your locksmith needs.

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