3 Security Measures to Prevent Lock Bumping

3 Security Measures to Prevent Lock Bumping

Most locks in your day to day life are cylinder locks. These locks require a key with the right pattern to align the tumblers and allow the cylinder to turn, unlocking the door. Lock bumping is a method for opening these locks without the proper key. This method works for most home and business locks, but not vehicle locks, so you won’t have to call an automotive locksmith to prevent lock bumping.

Burglars place a special tool called a bump key into the keyhole. They then gently bump the bump key with a hammer or other device until the pins reach the sheer line. It’s a simple method that almost anybody can do, so here are some ways you can prevent lock bumping.

1.      Prevent Lock Bumping With Anti-Bumping Devices

This tip only works when you’re in the home and can’t be opened from outside, giving you extra security against overnight break-ins. The devices are attached to the thumb turn of your deadbolt and prevent it from turning when closed. This means the lock won’t turn, whether a bump key or the real key is used. They’re an inexpensive option, and any residential locksmith or commercial locksmith could install one in minutes.

2.      Install Security Pins

Security pins are special pins that prevent lock bumping. These pins will seize up before they reach the sheer line within the lock, stopping the lock bumping attempt. Many off the shelf locks contain security pins, and any locksmith can easily add security pins to an existing lock. They aren’t foolproof, but they should make bumping your lock to take longer than a burglar is willing to hang around.

3.      Get a High-Security Lock

There are many high-security locks available that use a variety of designs to prevent lock bumping. Beyond bumping, these locks often feature protections against picking and even drilling. They’re a bit pricier than regular locks but well worth it for the added security and to avoid calling an emergency locksmith after a break-in. The locks are much stronger than traditional locks and feature specialized keys. This means you won’t be able to make copies at your local hardware store, but any locksmith can handle making extras no problem.

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