5 Crucial Steps to Take after a Home Burglary

5 Crucial Steps to Take after a Home Burglary

It’s one of the worst things you can imagine. You come home to find the evidence you are a victim of a home burglary. It’s a complete violation of your privacy, and the one place you should feel safe. Not only are you worried about your possessions, but the safety of yourself and your family.

Don’t Panic, Here’s What to Do After a Home Burglary

It’s tempting and even natural to panic in a moment like this. But it’s better not to. If you’ve seen evidence of the break-in from the outside, it’s important for your safety not to enter the house. If it’s after you’ve entered, leave the house. You simply don’t know whether the burglar is still there.

Once you are safe, follow these ten crucial steps.

1.               File a Police Report

The first thing you should do is call the police. File a report with the police if you suspect a home burglary. While you wait for the police you can stay at a neighbor’s, both to ensure your safety and see if they know anything that might be helpful with the investigation.

Once the police arrive, file the report and let them conduct the investigation. Ask for a copy of the report as it will be important for your records, including insurance claims.

2.               Document the Event in Detail

Now that you’ve gotten clear to return home and the police investigation is done, it’s a good idea to document it. Create a detailed list of everything missing or broken as a result of the burglary. Take pictures with your phone anywhere you can.

Documenting the home burglary will be helpful both for insurance claims and if the burglar goes to trial.

3.               Contact your Bank

Even if physical cards and papers aren’t missing, there is a chance that the assailant got information either from your devices or papers filed or lying around. It’s always better to be safe than sorry. Let the bank know that you’ve been burgled and that you need to:

  • A) Look out for suspicious activity and contact you immediately. OR
  • B) Cancel your account and cards.

Whether you decide to cancel your account or simply keep an eye out for suspicious activity, be sure to do something to protect yourself from financial fraud. The bank will often help you through this process once you explain what happened.

4.               Make your Insurance Claim

Contact your insurance company and make a claim. Go over your policy, you may be able to get your items replaced. Of course, anything of sentimental value is lost, but there is a chance it can be reimbursed for its monetary value.

Renter’s insurance and homeowner’s insurance can also cover damages to your home that need repair.

5.               Change your Locks

If your house has been broken into, chances are your locks were damaged, and even if they were not, someone knows how to break into your home without a key.

Contact your Local Locksmith

If you’ve suffered from a home burglary and are looking for a locksmith in Phoenix, you can trust the professionals at King Locksmith.

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