4 Car Security Tips to Prevent Your Car from Being Stolen

4 Car Security Tips to Prevent Your Car from Being Stolen

1.      Always Be Sure to Lock Up

This is one of the more obvious car security tips. Seasoned criminals understand the importance of working discreetly. While you might imagine a car thief wouldn’t hesitate to bash your window in with a rock, most know better than that. One of the most common methods car thieves employ is simply trying the handle on cars as they walk along. If the door is locked, they quickly move on. This saves them time and effort in the long run. Lock your doors and rollup your windows every time you park your car.

2.      Avoiding Leaving Valuables Inside is One of the Best Car Security Tips

It’s not hard to see inside most vehicles. If you’ve left your wallet or purse lying on the seat, you’re singling your truck out. The prospect of some quick cash will lure burglars into breaking into your vehicle. Once inside, they could very well decide that they’d like to take the entire car as well. This is doubly dangerous if you have a spare set of keys inside your vehicle or left them in your purse. Keep your valuables on you or hidden out of sight.

3.      Invest in a Steering Wheel Lock

If you’re in an area with high car theft rates, it might be worth your while to pick up a steering wheel lock. These simple yet effective devices make it impossible to turn the steering wheel until you unlock the device. Even if a thief gets inside and starts up the vehicle, they won’t be able to go anywhere but straight forward or back. When they see the device through the window, they’ll move along to a better prospect. This is one of the most effective car security tips out there. These locks typically use standard keys, so you can call up a residential locksmith, commercial locksmith, or automotive locksmith if you ever lose the key yourself.

4.      Choose Your Parking Spot Carefully

Breaking into a car is one thing; breaking into a garage is quite another. If you have a garage, you should be parking your vehicle in it every night. Most criminals aren’t so bold as to break into a garage and risk alerting the homeowners or triggering an alarm. When you’re out and about, park near streetlights whenever possible. Car thieves don’t want to work right out in the open and will go to great lengths to avoid detection.

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