What is a Master Key, and How Does It Work?

What is a Master Key, and How Does It Work?

A master key is specifically made to work on more than one lock. These keys are incredibly useful for households, businesses, and civil district employees.

The warding or teeth on these keys are fitted to locks with “master pins.” These locks are within a system, whether it’s a public town building (school, city halls, etc.) or a private system like different storefronts belonging to a single business.

So, is a Master Key Like a Skeleton Key?

While they both serve a similar purpose, they are different. A skeleton key has no warding and works within one system, such as a household, whereas a master key will have warding specific to the master locks.

Does a Master Key and Lock System Add Security?

Yes, they do. These keys and locks grant access to every building or room in a system. This is especially useful in emergencies when needing to inspect an area or evacuate people.

Having one key address every lock may seem counterintuitive, but this system gives you complete access and control to your property. You don’t have to worry about copies as their creation is restricted, and only those designated by the client can have copies made.

Once you place the order with the number you want, your master key will be made in concert with the locks and branded with the ranking such as GGM or GM.

Wait, there are Master Lock and Key Rankings?

Rankings dictate how many locks in the system they can fit. For instance, a Great Grand Master (GGM) key will fit every single lock within a system, while a Grand Master (GM) key and lower designated keys will only fit within designated locks.

This is particularly useful when it comes to distributing keys within a system.

Distribution within a System

  • GGM unlocks every lock within the system
  • GM will unlock designated locks
  • Lower-ranking keys such as “keyed alike” (often indicated with an “A”) only designated locks within the system

Distributing keys like this allows complete control for the GGM owner while still letting holders of lower-ranking keys necessary access within the system.

How Would I get a Master Key and Lock System?

While their creation is restricted, a certified locksmith can process your order and “forge” your keys and locks.

Call King Locksmith

King Locksmith is a certified locksmith within the Phoenix and Scottsdale area. We are highly committed not just to the quality of our work but also to incredible service that exceeds our customers’ expectations.

We hire insured, licensed locksmiths at the top of their craft who know that your safety and security are a top priority.

Not only can we make keys and lock systems upon request, but we also operate residentially, commercially, and on automotive locks. You can trust King Locksmith with all your key and lock needs with emergency services and call-to-order services.

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