3 Simple Ways to Fix a Car Key That Doesn’t Turn the Ignition

3 Simple Ways to Fix a Car Key That Doesn’t Turn the Ignition

You’re late for work already, and when you get into your car, you find out the key won’t turn. Not being able to drive can disrupt your entire day. A locksmith will be able to get you back onto the road quickly and safely, but there are a few tricks you can try beforehand. Even if these methods to fix a car key work, be sure to follow up with a locksmith afterward, so it doesn’t happen again.

Reasons Why Your Key Isn’t Working

The key to your car is much more complicated than the key for most locks. Keys for vehicles have become increasingly complicated over the last few decades. Keys today have a wide variety of safety features that could go wrong. The ignition in your car doesn’t use pins like a house lock. Instead, it uses thin wafers. These wafers can wear down with lots of use and eventually stop working correctly. Frequent use can also take a toll on your key. If your key wears down to the point that it doesn’t properly engage the wafers, you won’t be able to start your vehicle.

Picking the Right Time to Fix a Car Key

The best time to fix a car key is before it stops working altogether. There should be some clear signs that something is starting to go wrong long before you’re unable to start your car. If you find your car key sticking in the ignition or turning hard, you should consult an automotive locksmith before things get out of hand. They can quickly help you with replacement keys and can repair or replace your ignition. Nearly every residential locksmith or commercial locksmith will also have some experience with vehicle locks, but be sure to ask ahead of time.

Troubleshooting Tips

There are some steps you can take to doublecheck if you need a locksmith. The first thing is to turn the steering wheel back and forth while trying to turn your key. The steering column is supposed to lock when the key is out. If it’s become stuck, it can stop the key from turning. Make sure your car isn’t in drive or reverse, most cars only start when in park or neutral. If you have a spare key already, try that. That way you’ll know if it’s the key or the ignition itself. Check your vehicle’s battery if you have a newer car, some won’t let you turn the key with a dead battery.

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