4 Door Lock Problems That You Should Not Ignore

4 Door Lock Problems That You Should Not Ignore

Locks are an essential part of your day to day life, and you should handle regular maintenance promptly. If you find yourself with door lock problems, don’t hesitate to call in a locksmith. You’re better off paying for proper repairs than waiting until you end up locked out. This goes for both your home and your vehicle. An automotive locksmith can help you with any car lock problems.

Weak or Damaged Latches Are Door Lock Problems That You Should Not Ignore

If you find yourself having to slam your door every time you close it, you might have a severe security problem on your hands. The strike plate and latch of your door can wear down over time, creating a misalignment that can make closing the door tricky. This can also leave your door feeling loose when closed. This can make your home easier to break-in to or leave you more likely to end up with a jammed door. Make sure your locks are installed correctly and are well maintained to avoid this common issue.

Shaky Knobs and Locks

Doorknobs and locks fit snugly into your door when working as designed. If you haven’t installed them correctly, they can have gaps around their edges that allow them to wiggle. These gaps also present an opportunity for insects to enter your home and can cause drafts during the winter months. You should make sure your hardware is installed by a trained residential locksmith, who will know how to fit locks properly.

A Hard-Turning Key Wil Lead to Trouble

Many people don’t consider an ill-fitting key to be among serious door lock problems. If you have trouble inserting or turning your key, it’s a sign that something is wrong with your lock. You might be able to open your door by wiggling the key for now, but eventually, the lock will seize entirely. Don’t wait until its too late, have your lock looked at today. Don’t let what should be regular maintenance lead to an emergency.

Loose Lock Cylinder

If you ever find yourself turning your key without the lock engaging, you need to replace or repair your lock. If the key can turn without engaging the cylinder, something is loose or damaged inside. This could leave you locked out of your business, call a certified commercial locksmith to handle this today.

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